Also, you then need to go back into Keep and go through the notes that you have and archive or delete them. I’ve found that I can export my notes as HTML files, and then import those into Onenote, but that is not the best solution. I’d like to have my older notes available on all of my devices, but perhaps move them out of Keep and into something like Onenote. As of now there is not a way to do that in Keep. However, I would like to be able to organize my notes so that I can more easily find them. You can pin notes so they are always on top, and you can archive notes so that they don’t clutter up your window. First, there is no easy way to organize notes in Keep itself. Finally, since I have it on my phone, I can easily enter notes wherever I am I also have my browsers set up so that I can export a page and save it in Keep. One of the things that I find very useful is the ease with which you can open Keep and enter information. They all sync together so when a note gets entered on any of them it is accessible on all of them. I have it on my two tablets(4th generation iPad and Android)on my phone(also Android)and I have Notes for Google Keep on my mac. I have been an enthusiastic user of Google Keep for some time now. If you have no issues with that and you don't need extensive formatting options then it could be worth the shot.Google Keep to Onenote or Evernote on Mac or alternative to Google Keep The only thing preventing me from using it as a serious note taking app is the lack of a desktop client, as I don't really want to stay signed in on my pc. Keep is pretty good too and has a lot of neat features. I'm not affected by those, but your experience may be different. The free version might be a bit too limited for some users, so maybe check the limitations before using it. Evernote is overall the best one and the one I use. It's not really optimal in my opinion, but if that works for you then go with it. Word is more of a text editor than a note taking app. If you don't really have to switch devices often you could try this, but forget about writing something on your smartphone and having it on your PC just seconds later. The app itself is a bit sluggish too, but the real deal breaker is the sync.

It just isn't reliable enough, takes too much time and it's not seamless as it should be. Onenote is the one I'd use if it were not for its broken sync.