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The application includes a tool that is used by a fictitious company called Fabrikam Inc.

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The ProposalTracker sample application shows how to use Lync Controls in a Silverlight application. Path: %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Microsoft Lync\SDK\Samples\micro\ConversationTranslator Proposal tracker Use the BeginSendMessage method and callback. Register for two Conversation related events: ParticipantAdded and InstantMessageReceived. The sample provides an example architecture for registering for and handling asynchronous Lync 2013 API events in Silverlight.

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The ConversationTranslator sample application uses the namespace from the Lync model API to intercept instant messages and provide translation using Bing Web Services. These examples show how to use the Lync 2013 API in real-world scenarios. The following samples provide complete application examples using the Lync 2013 API. The sharing sample applications demonstrate how to share resources and content in a conversation and then manage user’s control of a shared item. The Persistent Chat sample applications demonstrate how to add chat room features to your Microsoft Lync 2013 SDK-enabled application. The quick-start conversation samples show how to interact with Lync conversations by using Lync 2013 API objects and controls from the namespace. The quick-start contact samples show how to interact with Lync contacts by using the objects of the Lync 2013 API and controls from the namespace. The quick-start presence samples show how to publish and get presence for a contact by using presence controls or objects in the Lync 2013 API object model. Refer to these samples when you want to see how to complete a small task such as putting a contact list control on a page in your WPF application. These quick-start samples focus on specific API features. When you install Microsoft Lync 2013 SDK, you get a set of quick-start sample applications, including Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), and Silverlight projects. The SDK installation program places the samples in the *%PROGRAMFILES%\*Microsoft Lync\SDK\Samples folder on 32-bit computers and the %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Microsoft Lync\SDK\Samples folder on 64-bit computers. Use a reference sample to see how to build an application that implements a complete scenario using combinations of Lync Controls and objects from the Lync 2013 API object model. The two comprehensive reference samples provide a broader look at the API.

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Learn about the quick-start samples and application reference samples that are installed with Microsoft Lync 2013 SDK.

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